云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil Privacy Policy

Your Privacy

(Em Português)

Your privacy is important to us. 本隐私声明适用于我们向您收集的个人信息. It will always be available in its most up-to-date version and free of charge on the website (3249.amaryllis-esthetique.com) in the "Privacy Policy" menu.

This Policy applies to individuals (natural persons) who interact with 云顶集团糖果游戏 and cover our data collection activities.  

Some of the links on this site may lead to other 云顶集团糖果游戏 websites or external sites with their respective privacy notices that have different purposes. 请仔细阅读您所访问网站的所有隐私声明.

为本隐私声明之目的, 数据控制器为云顶集团糖果游戏 Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A. (在本政策中称为“云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil”). 我们正在制定必要的机制,以确保你的权利得到保障. 请等待本政策的进一步更新.

本网站由皇冠控股有限公司管理. (在本政策中称为“皇冠”或“皇冠集团”).



Website user

在您与云顶集团糖果游戏互动的过程中,我们可能会收集有关您的各种个人资料. 欲知详情,请浏览以下连结: http://3249.amaryllis-esthetique.com/privacy-policy

Sensitive Personal Data

云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil does not normally deal with personal data deemed sensitive in accordance with applicable law, so we do not intend to collect or process sensitive personal data in the normal course of your interactions with our products or services. 当出于任何原因需要处理您的敏感个人数据时, we will obtain your prior, express, 以及任何自愿处理的正式同意. 如果我们出于其他目的处理您的敏感个人数据, 我们将在适当的法律基础上支持自己.


云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil does not solicit, collect, process, 储存或在知情的情况下分享未成年儿童和青少年的个人资料, 未经法定监护人同意的, clearly and objectively requested, 告知使用资料的目的.


Cookies are used to improve the use and functionality of 云顶集团糖果游戏-compatible websites and other web services and to better understand how our visitors use our websites and online services. 欲了解更多信息,请查看云顶集团糖果游戏网站隐私政策: http://3249.amaryllis-esthetique.com/privacy-policy.


以下项目描述了云顶集团糖果游戏巴西收集您的个人数据的目的. Please note that not all forms of collection and use below will be relevant to all individuals and may apply only in specific situations:

  • Comply with contractual obligations.
  • 响应监管机构或法律义务的要求.
  • Answer your questions and comments.
  • Provide you with information, products or services that you have requested or that we realize may interest you unless you tell us otherwise.


We may share your information in order to provide you with products or services that you have requested, 如果我们有合法的利益这样做(e).g., managing risks, verifying your identity, combating fraud, abuse of our website or services), or where you have consented to share. 如有需要,我们会与以下团体分享您的个人资料:

  • Internal entities:包括皇冠集团旗下的公司. The sharing of personal data can occur when the group requests information from 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil or when it is necessary to report to the Group.
  • Service providers: include external companies that are used by 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil to assist in the operation of our business.
  • 信用分析、债务催收和金融服务机构: information is shared to assist and verify the status of your credit or to collect overdue payments.
  • External entities:遵从服务要求,例如与邮政局共享资料.
  • Regulators: In situations in which we are under a legal obligation to disclose information in the public interest (e.g.:防止或侦测欺诈、滥用我们的网站或服务).

云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil does not license or sell your personal data to third parties for their own marketing purposes.


We may retain your personal data for the time required by our local Data Protection legislation – (LGPD: “Brazil General Data Protection Law”), until the end of your personal data processing or for the period necessary to conduct our legitimate interests based on the guidelines of the Law.

当处理您个人资料的截止日期结束时, 您的数据将在活动的技术限制范围内被删除, unless there are legal justifications for the retention of such data and authorization for them to be kept.


  • 在同意中告知的个人数据处理目的, if there is any, is achieved, 并且不再需要处理个人数据.
  • The holder who previously provided consent to the use of his/her personal data has requested revocation of the consent.
  • Legal determination.

您有权要求删除, review, update, rectification, 当您认为必要时,可移植性和对数据的自动决策的审查, however, 只有在符合法律义务的情况下才会被履行.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Given the nature of our business, we may have to transfer your personal data stored within 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil to third parties in accordance with the purposes set out in this privacy policy. For this reason, 我们可能会将您的个人资料转移到其他国家, 只要他们有与巴西现行法律法规相一致的法律法规, 只要转让是在合法的基础上进行的,或者是在持有人同意的基础上进行的.

Security of Your Personal Data

云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil takes appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data is kept confidential and secure (Access Policies, Information Security Policies, Antivirus, among others). 我们提高员工(包括服务提供商)的隐私意识。, internal procedures, access controls, 职责和最佳市场实践. However, 由于互联网作为一种开放的交流手段的固有性质, we cannot guarantee that the information stored will be absolutely protected from unauthorized access.


对于我们所拥有的有关您的个人数据,您拥有许多权利. These rights include:

  • Access to data: Receive in a complete, 以简单明了的方式提供云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil持有的个人数据的详细信息.
  • Correction of incomplete, 不准确或过时的资料:要求更正您的个人资料, once they are incomplete, inaccurate (wrong) or outdated.
  • Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or non-LGPD (Brazil General Data Protection Law) data: request that your data be deleted. 如果无法消除数据,“LGPD”允许我们使用处置以外的选择. 这些选项是:屏蔽或匿名化.
  • Data portability: Receive your information in a structured and accessible format so that you can transmit this data to another entity without limitations imposed by 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil.
  • 删除经持有人同意处理的个人资料, except as permitted by the LGPD: Request the deletion of your personal data from 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil's database even though you have provided consent for the retention of such data, and 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil may retain it only on the basis of some purposes that are defined by the LGPD. 
  • Information of the public and private entities with which the controller made shared use of data: Request 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil to inform clearly and objectively with which public or private entities your data is shared, 以及分享的目的是什么.
  • Information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of the negative: be informed about the consequences of not allowing the personal data treatment that is carried out by 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil.
  • Revocation of consent, according to the LGPD: Revoke consent regarding the processing of your data previously granted to 云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil. 
  • Petition in relation to your data against the controller before the ANPD: Complaint about any non-compliance with your rights to the National Data Protection Agency (ANPD). 对于这项权利,您可以直接向ANPD提出请求.
  • Request the review of decisions taken solely on the basis of personal data automated processing affecting your interests, 包括你个人的决定, professional, 消费者和信用档案或你的个性方面.
  • Request a review of processes that use automated decisions of your personal data processing in order to verify that these automated decisions are not affecting your interests or creating your behavioral profile. 

How to Apply for Your Rights

您可以通过本网站提供的表格与我们联系,行使您的权利. 我们的DPO将自动收到一封电子邮件.

云顶集团糖果游戏 Brazil will receive and respond, within a reasonable time, 任何有关你如何处理你的个人资料的要求或投诉, including claims about your rights under applicable privacy and personal data protection laws.

More Details

On other matters regarding the LGPD, ,可联络资料私隐主任, Edilene Tisseu, by e-mail dpo@amaryllis-esthetique.com.br.

本隐私声明可每年更新一次, or as needed, 你总能在这个网站上找到最新的版本.